Construction Safety
+ Project Supervisor Design Phase
The Project Supervisor Design Phase (PSDP) is a person or Organisation appointed by a client under Construction Regulations (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013), to carry out duties on behalf of the client to comply with section 17(1) of the Act. The PSDP will co-ordinate the health and safety considerations from beginning of Project to handover.
The Advanta Safety team has extensive experience in carrying out the role of PSDP on projects of all scales and levels of complexity.
Working with us gives you the confidence in knowing that your statutory obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 are met. Our knowledge and experience offer you peace of mind that the project’s health and safety elements are compliant and professionally managed.
+ Project Supervisor Construction Stage
Members of the Advanta Safety Safety Team can work as a H&S Co-ordinator for the appointed Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) on projects.
Under the Construction Regulations (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013), the PSCS can be a company; however, there should be a nominated person available to complete the day to day duties of the PSCS.
This H&S Co-ordinator provides support in terms of setting up a H&S system and provides guidance throughout the project.
+ Contruction Stage H&S Plan
One of the statutory requirements of the role of Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) the Construction Regulations 2013 outline the requirement to prepare a documented Construction Stage H&S Plan. This is used to identify the hazards and potential risks associated with the work activities and to ensure that appropriate controls are in place before the project has commenced.
This document will be prepared based on information identified in the Preliminary H&S Plan developed by the PSDP (Project Supervisor Design Process) and also by a site meeting with the project management team. This will be a live document for the duration of the project fulfilling Section 16 of the Construction Regulations 2013.
+ Method Statements
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 Part 2, Chapter 1, Section 8, General Duties of Employer state that the employer has a duty to provide systems of work that are planned, organised, performed, maintained and revised as appropriate so as to be, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risk to health.
Our safety team will compile a method statemment risk assessment from consultation with from the team completing the works. It may be necessary to complete a site walk in order to complete the method statement.
+ Project Safety Management
Advanta Safety can assist you with the preparation of all documentation required to prepare a safety management system for your organisation. Our solutions are applicable whether you choose to be accredited by a third-party accreditation or aligned with an accredited standard. This may be to the standard of the Safe T- cert or to the ISO 45001 international safety standard.
Workplace Safety
+ Safety Statements
A Safety Statement is legal requirement for all employers. This document outlines how the Employer plans to manage health and safety in the work place. The Safety Statement falls under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. Every employer requires, by law, to have a Safety Statement.
When working with Advanta Safety we complete our Safety Statement in a way that is specific to your workplace. We complete a safety audit on your workplace to identify hazards, potential risks, existing control measures and the systems in place in your workplace.
Advanta Safety will compile a report outlining areas of non compliance within your company and advise you on the best course of action. The recommendations from the specfic safety audit will ensure that your company remain compliamt with legislation.
+ Risk Assessments
Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires that employers and those in control of workplaces to any extent must identify the hazards in the workplaces under their control and assess the risks to safety and health at work presented by these hazards.
Overall, by assessing risks the employer ensures anything in the workplace that could cause harm to employeees and other people (including customers, visitors and members of the public) must be be throughly assessed.
Advanta Safety safety team will complete the risk assessment on site, in consultation with you and your employees.
+ Workplace Safety Audits
Audit on site
+ Display Screen Equipment / Ergonomic Assessments
Analysis of the workstation is completed by a trained assessor in ergonomics or display screen equipment assessments. This assessment reviews the position and interaction with the items that make-up the workstation. The assessment accounts for suitability and condition of the equipment provided and how to adjust the workstation for the individual.
The assessment may consider recommendations on changes to the employees posture, workstation or equipment. A display unit assessment ensures compliance with an employer’s legal obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulation 2007; it also mitigates associated occupational injuries and leads to a more productive and happier employee.